Aug 9, 2020

Exception Handling in Java | JAVA Langauge | Coding Winds




Hey guys, we are back with another blog of java and today we are gonna talk about exception handling in java. Exception handling refers to pre-handling the runtime errors in the code and predefining the action to implement if that exception occurs in the code. Java provide robust and object oriented way to provide handle exception scenarios known as java exception handling. Let’s get into examples to understand it better.


public class Coding_Winds {    

public static void main(String args[]) {

         int i, j=2, k=0;





For the above code , if we will run it we will get a runtime error and we will get the following message on the console

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

     at solution.Student.main(


Now if we will handle this following exception in the code, then we can deal with it in an specified way. So for the above  case if we use the exception handling. Below is the code after the implementation of exception handling.

public class Coding_Winds {

public static void main(String args[]) {

     try {

         int i, j=2, k=0;


     } catch(ArithmeticException e) {

         System.out.println(e.getMessage()+" occurred");




Now to implement exception handling, we enclose the code that is likely to through an exception within curly braces and before opening curly braces we use the try keyword and the catch keyword after the ending braces. And inside the parenthesis after  the catch keyword we can put the type of error that we likely to get. In the above case we are using an arithmetic operator so we are likely to get an arithmetic error. And after mentioning the type of error we have to mention an object ‘e’ , and we can use this to call few methods we have. And  after this we can again put the set of code within the curly braces, in which we can call some methods, if any error occurs during runtime. For ex in this case the method ‘.getMessage()’ returns the problem which is causing the error.

For the above code , we will receive the following message on the console

/ by zero occurred


Now if you want to execute the code, below the code which you think may throw error at runtime, then you can execute it.

 For ex:

public static void main(String args[]) {

     try {

         int i, j=2, k=0;


     } catch(ArithmeticException e) {

         System.out.println(e.getMessage()+" occurred");


     System.out.println("Some important code");



Now the output  on the console for the following code is

/ by zero occurred

Some important code


And if you wouldn’t have used the exception handling code for the above code then the compiler wouldn’t have reached down to the part , after the code which throws exception.

For example in the below code ,the line saying “Some important code”  will not get printed.

public class Coding_Winds {    

public static void main(String args[]) {

         int i, j=2, k=0;


     System.out.println("Some important code");




Now on running this code, there will be only the following message on the compiler

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

     at solution.Student.main(


Do let us know your reviews in the comment section below and we will be discussing more on exception handling in the blogs that will be coming up in future.

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