OOPs stands for Object Oriented Programming Language and is one of the key
concepts in java programming language since it gives us the flexibility of
writing lengthy code in a more optimized way. The four basic pillars of OOPs
are abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Basically it
consists of Classes, Methods, Objects and Constructers, which are some very
important things in java. So let's talk about them.
As discussed earlier, classes are the blocks within which our code can be
written or methods can be created. And the same methods can be called in the
main method of our program. Remember there can be only one main method in a
program. So let's begin with looking at the syntax of the class.
class className {
So a class is basically written with a keyword 'class' followed by the
class name, and all the required methods along with their body can be written
inside the class accordingly. Below is the basic example of class inside which
is a simple program which add and prints two (already initialized) variables.
public class CodingWinds {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a=3,b=10;
int c=a+b;
Methods (which are known as function in C and C++) are actually some code
written inside a pair of brackets, which can be called anywhere throughout our
program , to execute the lines of code it contains. It must be written inside a
class. Let's look at the basic syntax of a method.
returnType methodName () {
So a method name contains the return type (the type of value it returns, it
can be 'void' if it returns nothing) followed by the name of the method then
followed by a pair of round brackets and then the body of the method within a
pair of curly braces (after the round brackets). In some cases, parameter list
is also passed inside the methods (while calling them), parameters list is the
list of data values (along with their type) that can be used inside the method
body. So the syntax of the methods with parameters list can be seen below
ReturnType methodname (parameter-list){
One or more parameters can be passed inside the methods. If they are more
than one ,they must be separated by commas. Below is the example of methods passing
two parameters.
static void sum(int num1, int num2) {
int result =num1+num2;
Note: Here the keyword ‘static’ here means that the method
belongs to the same class from which it is being called.
Calling a Method
Methods can be called by two ways in java, first
they can be called directly into the program and second, they can be called by
creating objects. Since, we have not discussed about the objects yet, let’s see
the first way.
As you can see we can simply call the method by
writing their name followed by the round brackets. If you need to pass some
parameters they can be written inside the round brackets (separated by a
comma), but while calling the methods we do not need to write the type before
the parameters .
import java.util.*;
public class Coding_Winds {
static void sum(int num1, int num2) {
int result =num1+num2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
sum(2,10); //Calling the methods
Note that if we need to pass a string value as a parameter then we
need to warp that inside double quotes (during method calling), and same is
happened when we pass char value but in the case of char we wrap our parameter
within a single quote.
import java.util.*;
public class HackerRanck2 {
static void xyz(String a, char b){
System.out.println("your entered string is
System.out.println("your entered character
public static void main(String[] args) {
xyz("hello", 'a');
Objects are the separated memory blocks which a user can create in
a program to use them to collect values for the variables present inside the
class, for which an object is being created. We can also use the objects to
call methods inside the class. So below is the syntax of how can we create an
object inside java.
ClassName objectName = new ClassName();
Coding_Winds str = new
Now the object ‘str’ can be used to store values inside any
variable present inside the class (from which object has been created), and
even to call any methods inside that class. Below example shows us how can we
store values inside the class using variable and call the methods using the
import java.util.*;
public class Coding_Winds {
String x;
void welcome() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
Coding_Winds str = new
Coding_Winds ();
str.x= "Welcome
to Coding Winds";
There are two ways to initialize the value of variables inside a
class, first by using the dot operator with the object, second by using
Constructors. Constructors can be considered as another kind of methods in java,
but unlike methods they don’t return a value that is the first thing. Second
their name is same to the class in which they are present, lest they are also
allowed to pass parameters through them. Below is the syntax of the
constructors in java.
constructorName () {
Once again remember that a constructor’s name is always same as
the name of the classes in which they are present. Below is the example of the
import java.util.*;
class Hello {
String x;
Hello (){
x= "Welcome to Coding
public class Coding_Winds {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new
Hello str = new Hello();
In the above example a
constructor is created and the string inside the class ‘Hello’ is printed in
the main method, as the variable ‘x’ is already initialised inside the class,
we will get an output as soon as we print the variable ‘x’. In the next example
we have created an another constructor so that the user can also pass the value
for the variable ‘x’ and that certain value will be printed, but even if the
user will not pass the value a default value will always be there and will get printed
if we’ll print it in the main method.
package advancProblems;
import java.util.*;
class Hello {
String x;
Hello (){
x= "Welcome to Coding
Hello(String y) {
public class HackerRanck2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new
Hello str = new Hello("Hello Guys!");
As seen above, now we have passed a value that has beem printed on
the console, but even if the user doesn’t passes the value this time, there will
always be a default value (“Welcome to Coding Winds”) that will be get printed
if we print the variable ‘x’ .
Hope you are clear on this topic do read our more articles on JAVA LANGUAGE.
If you still have any doubt on this topic then do come to us via email "sophomoretechs@gmail.com" or via Instagram "@coding.winds".
This article is SUBMITTED By : Pranjal Rai
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