Hello people, in this blog we are going to discuss the first
line of our C/C++ code.
iostream stand for standard ‘input-output stream’.
This is nothing but a header file which is responsible for
input and output stream.
Here, ‘input stream’
means when the task is performed in such a way that bytes travels from
device(keyboard) to main memory, and ‘output
stream’ means when the task is performed in such a way that bytes travel
from main memory to your device.
Here “iostream” is
a library which contains some predefined functions for example “cout” , “cin” , etc.
And “ #include ”
is a word which makes the use of “iostream”
possible in our code.
We just not only have “iostream”
as a header file for input/output, but also have many other such as “iomanip” , “fstream”
1. 1. iomanip – This stands
for ‘input ouput manipulation’. The
methods in this file are used to manipulate the streams. This has predefined
functions lihe setw, setprecision, etc
2. fstream – This is defined
as file stream. This header file is used to handle
the data being read from a file as input or data being written into the file as
So this was all bookish knowledge, let’s try our hands on some
codes showing the use of this ;