Jul 26, 2020

Python Lambda and Arrays | Python Language | Coding Winds

Python Lambda and Arrays

Hello guys, we will here discuss about, Lambda and arrays.

Python Lambda

Actually lambda is a small anonymous function which can take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression.

Syntax is,

            lambda arguments: expression



Let’s look into multiple arguments thing as mentioned above,



You must be thinking, “that that’s it?”. Well actual power of lambda is when this anonymous function is used under a function.

Say you have a function definition that takes one argument, and that argument will be multiplied with an unknown number:


Note: Use lambda function when an anonymous function is required for a short period of time.



Arrays are used to store variables of the same type under one single variable.

An array of numeric values is supported in Python by the array module.

If you have a list of items (say groceries), storing them under one variable will yield this, 


Arrays can hold any number of values under a single name.

Accessing elements of an array

Accessing elements of an array is quite easy as you only have to refer to its index number.

Check out the output and practice more.

Slicing an array: It is simple as we have to be in the index range of the array, example


Length of an array

We can easily find the length of an array simply by using len()


Well we can easily tell the length just by counting the number of items 😉

But for larger numbers, we do have to check the out.

Arrays Methods

Python doesn’t have a buit-in support for arrays, though few of the list’s methods can be used same as we used it in lists.

If you haven’t yet, been through Python list, click here

Built-in functions supporting arrays are:

a)    append()

b)    clear()

c)     copy()

d)    count()

e)    extend()

f)      insert()

g)    index()

h)    pop()

i)      remove()

j)      reverse()

k)    sort()


The important fact is that lists are much more flexible and are in high demand in python as it can store variables of different types. Arrays are much more called in C/C++ or Java or JavaScript, etc.

Unless you don’t need any array module, don’t use array.


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