Jun 24, 2020

Python Tuple | Creation | Deletion | Indexing | Coding Winds


Hello guys, we are going to study about, tuple. Tuple is almost similar to list. The only difference is that we cannot change the elements of a tuple when assigned.

Creating a tuple

Initializing a tuple is as simple as initializing a list, instead we keep our variables between () than [].

Note: - tuple can be created with the parentheses. This is known as tuple packing.   

Creating a single value stored tuple is bit tricky, check out the code and its output to find out.


Accessing and indexing of elements of tuple

Accessing tuple is easy. We can use indexing to access elements of the tuple.

Negative indexing is also covered in the example below.

Check out the example


Changing of elements of tuple

You can’t change the elements of the tuple. Tuple is immutable. If a nested tuple is given including a list, we can change the element of the list.

Else we can use + and * operators to add two or more tuple. This is called concatenation.

The + operator will consequently add the tuples.

 To repeat any element we can use * operator.

Deleting a tuple

We can delete the whole tuple with del. We cannot delete or remove a specific element from the tuple.

Tuple method

Methods that add or delete items of a tuple aren’t available. We have only index and count method to use.

Hello Python people, for this blog we have taken help from the book Python : The Complete Reference.

Hope all your doubts regarding this are clear now.

If you still have any doubt on this topic then do come to us via email "sophomoretechs@gmail.com" or via Instagram "@coding.winds".

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